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CGTN - Rediscovering China
Aujourd'hui à 23h30

Rediscovering China en streaming gratuit sur CGTN

“Redécouvrir la Chine” est un documentaire hebdomadaire qui propose des histoires chinoises à travers le point de vue objectif d'un étranger. Le but est de raconter la vie contemporaine des Chinois, de montrer leurs problèmes, leurs défis, de quelle manière la société chinoise s'est développée ces dernières années à travers des témoignages uniques et variés. Le documentaire a reçu de nombreux prix en Chine et dans le monde entier depuis sa création en 2017, notamment au New York TV Film Festival, au American International Film Festival et le prix spécial annuel International Film System (IQ).

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  • CGTN

    Rediscovering China - 26/03/2025

    Rediscovering China is a half-hour documentary program on CGTN. Each edition offers unique insight into various aspects of life in China today. With unrivalled access to the country's people and places, the program aims to show the global audience an inclusive and vigorous China.

  • CGTN

    Rediscovering China - 27/03/2025

    Rediscovering China is a half-hour documentary program on CGTN. Each edition offers unique insight into various aspects of life in China today. With unrivalled access to the country's people and places, the program aims to show the global audience an inclusive and vigorous China.

  • CGTN

    Rediscovering China - 28/03/2025

    Rediscovering China is a half-hour documentary program on CGTN. Each edition offers unique insight into various aspects of life in China today. With unrivalled access to the country's people and places, the program aims to show the global audience an inclusive and vigorous China.

  • CGTN

    Rediscovering China - 31/03/2025

    Rediscovering China is a half-hour documentary program on CGTN. Each edition offers unique insight into various aspects of life in China today. With unrivalled access to the country's people and places, the program aims to show the global audience an inclusive and vigorous China.

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